American Meteorological Society
Claire Bucklin
Microplastic Contamination in Montana's Mountains
North Toole County High School
Nicole Nau
Redesigning a Wind Turbine
North Toole County High School
American Psychological Association
Reese Von Bergen
How many sugars are in your smoothie?
Stanford High School
Animal Science Merit Award
Paisley Enos
Do Dogs Prefer Different Food?
Belt Middle School
Cadence Graham
Eye Eye Color
Belt Middle School
Kylie Maas
Do Dogs Prefer Different Food?
Belt Middle School
Sidney Paulson
Eye Eye Color
Belt Middle School
ASM Materials Education Foundation
Cialeo Smith
Bi-Metal Heatbreak for Creality 3D Printers
Fergus High School
Association for Women Geoscientists
Claire Bucklin
Microplastic Contamination in Montana's Mountains
North Toole County High School
Behavioral Science Merit Award
Cade McCoy
Remember That?
Belt Middle School
Tobias Wilson
Remember That?
Belt Middle School
Chemistry Merit Award
Jordan Altschwager
Bust That Rust!
Consumer Science Merit Award
Beau Davis
Bruising of Fruit
Ulm Junior High
Aizalyn Flaten
Minty Fresh
Belt Middle School
Aaliyah Gaylord
Minty Fresh
Belt Middle School
Emerson Hoerner
Trash Talk
Belt Middle School
Trent Leardini
Bruising of Fruit
Ulm Junior High
Raenee Mapston
Trash Talk
Belt Middle School
McKenzie Pogany
Trash Talk
Belt Middle School
Jaida Pruitt-Warren
Minty Fresh
Belt Middle School
DOD Stem Leadership Award
Jordan Altschwager
Bust That Rust!
Energy: Chemical/Physical Merit Award
Cash Smith
Paper Heat
Belt Middle School
Engineering Merit Award
Dalton Lombardo
The Distance of Different Airplanes
Belt Middle School
Korbin Pearson
Hall Effect Motor
Greenfield School District
Environmental Merit Award
Jonah Hunt
Preventing Soil Liquefaction
North Middle School
Kristene Kline
Land vs. Water
Ulm Junior High
Katelynn Meek
How to Make a Cloud
Foothills Community Christian Middle School
Kameron Myllymaki
Soil Erosion By Wind
Stanford Middle School
Aaron Sawyer
Land vs. Water
Ulm Junior High
Lemelson Early Inventor Prize Award
Korbin Pearson
Hall Effect Motor
Greenfield School District
Medicine & Health Merit Award
Alix Altschwager
Smell, Taste, Age, OH MY!
Hope Maki
Moldy Masks
Belt Middle School
Vannie Urick
Moldy Masks
Belt Middle School
Mu Alpha Theta
Jeena Alborano
Regeneration Rates of Dugesia japonica using Glucose Oxidase Enhanced Honey
North Toole County High School
NASA Earth System Science Award
Ian Benjamin
The Effect of Archaea on Perchlorates in Martian Soil
North Toole County High School
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Nicole Nau
Redesigning a Wind Turbine
North Toole County High School
Naval Science Award
Jordan Altschwager
Bust That Rust!
Jonah Hunt
Preventing Soil Liquefaction
North Middle School
Dalton Lombardo
The Distance of Different Airplanes
Belt Middle School
Korbin Pearson
Hall Effect Motor
Greenfield School District
Cialeo Smith
Bi-Metal Heatbreak for Creality 3D Printers
Fergus High School
Moroni Smith
Painterbot V2
North Toole County High School
Physics & Astronomy Merit Award
Anna Bauer
The Speed of a Softball depending on the Spin of the Ball
Foothills Community Christian Middle School
Rohna Gregg
Sound Waves vs Oobleck
Foothills Community Christian Middle School
Kimber Koteskey
Bullet Penetration with Kevlar
Foothills Community Christian Middle School
Alexa Marquardt
Waves of Fire
Stanford Middle School
Eliza Tureck
Waves of Fire
Stanford Middle School
Plant Science Merit Award
Keegan Hawn
Wifi Kills
Ulm Junior High
Isaac McKamey
Wifi Kills
Ulm Junior High
Regeneron Biomedical Science Award
Baylee Herman
Testing Different Mask and Mask Filter Material
Simms High School
Macy Herman
Testing Different Mask and Mask Filter Material
Simms High School
Ricoh USA, Inc.
Nicole Nau
Redesigning a Wind Turbine
North Toole County High School
U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Claire Bucklin
Microplastic Contamination in Montana's Mountains
North Toole County High School
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Jeena Alborano
Regeneration Rates of Dugesia japonica using Glucose Oxidase Enhanced Honey
North Toole County High School
US Air Force
Nicole Nau
Redesigning a Wind Turbine
North Toole County High School
US Metric Association Award
Cialeo Smith
Bi-Metal Heatbreak for Creality 3D Printers
Fergus High School
Yale Science and Engineering Association
Moroni Smith
Painterbot V2
North Toole County High School